
Showing posts from January, 2021

Features of the DSLR

 ISO - ISO s ensitivity is a measure of the camera's ability to capture light. Digital cameras convert the light that falls on the image sensor into electrical signals for processing. If you raise  ISO  sensitivity, you can choose faster shutter speeds and reduce camera blur. Zoom -  the  zoom  range is the difference in magnification from one end of the  zoom  range to the other. With a regular  DSLR  or mirror-less camera kit lens, the lens will offer 3x the magnification when you're fully zoomed in compared to when the lens is zoomed right out. Focus -  The photographer can choose whether the camera locks or continues to adjust  focus  while the shutter-release button is pressed halfway. The setting that controls this behavior is  focus  mode. Formatting the SD Card - 1. insert the SD card into the camera  2. Press the Menu button The last used camera menu displays on the LCD monitor  3. Pr...

Sound in Visual Effects (Audiovisuals)

 Sound effects are artificially created or reproduced sounds that add to the storytelling of a film without using dialogue or music. These effects could enhance the film's drama by emphasising the bone-crunching sound of a fight, or add to its comedy by using a laugh track. While initially conceived to describe the way sound is "hung" in the theatrical environment, ‘sound design' came to represent the design of specific sound effects, ranging from laser blasts and rumbling spacecrafts, which were often achieved through innovative recording and editing techniques. Sound design was also applied as a blanket term to describe the design of the overall sound track and its conceptual framework. Also important, one of the unifying factors in the expanding definition was the attention devoted to space, both cinematic and theatrical. In the process of constructing the sound track, specific sound designs often elaborate upon or play with spatial considerations. By doing so, the...

Market Research - Blast Off by The Allergies, Music Video Research (15/1/2021) 1.1 & 1.2 Orginised Plan Of Work

Music Video 1  Wonderful Life - Bring Me The Horizon (ft. Dani Filth) Rough summary of the video - dani filth makes himself breakfast and pouring a drink, theres a bunch of clips of bring me the horizons band members doing normal things such as spending time with family, and then dani filth goes shopping for groceries. this contrasts the song which is heavy with "dark" lyrics. i could take the contrasting music to video aspect of this and apply it into my own music video. Music Video 2 Bop N Keep it Dippin - Dizzie Rascal Rough summary of the video - a man is dragged into a pub and the men who brought him are praised for their work by dizzie rascal, dizzie rascal goes back to put money in his safe but leaves it open, the man in the safe room attempts to steal the money but gets caught, he jumps out of the window and a cat and mouse chase unveils, in the end he is caught and killed. What i could apply into my own work from this is maybe the serious, movie-like tone of the vide...

LA 1.1 :Diegetic and Non Diegetic Sound

Diegetic and Non Diegetic sounds are used in movies and shows constantly, Diegetic sounds are sounds that occur in the reality of the movies or shows, such as dialog or footsteps. Non Diegetic sounds are sounds that do not occur in the reality of said media, such as soundtracks or voiceovers.  Jaws uses an iconic Non Diegetic audio clip, the sound effect is so effective due to its dramatic nature, the sound is suspenseful  and unnerving.  Psycho also uses an iconic Non Diegetic audio clip, this sound impacts the shower scene by making it intense and unsettling, the audio mixed with the black and white visuals creates this chilling atmosphere which is most  prominent in the shower scene.  Finally, Star Wars also uses an iconic Non Diegetic audio clip that is associated with the Empire/Darth Vader, the audio signifies that they are the evil side, the dark side, and creates an intense atmosphere when watching. An Example of Diegetic sound is really anything based i...