
Showing posts from March, 2021

LA1: Apply Video Pre Production Techniques: Health & Safety


LA1: Required Equipment/Resources List

Resource Required                      Resource Location                  Resource Obtained                                          Computer (Editing)                      College                                              yes Camera                                         College                                              yes Prop Knife                   ...

LA1: Apply Video Pre-Production Techniques: Cast & Crew

Name                       Role                            Contact Details                                                                             Jake Withers            Main Character              (Not Public) Sydney Chalk          Dead Characters              (Not Public) Jake & Sydney        Camera Man/Woman       (Not Public)

Blast Off Storyboard (22/3/2021) 2.1 & 2.2 Research


Shooting Schedule

Shooting Date: 23/4/2021 Scene: me Teleporting/Disappearing Location: Corridors in college Completion Date: 23/4/2021 Comments: TBA

LA1: Apply Video Pre-Production Techniques: Film Storyboard

  Kururshima Storyboard                                                                      ____________________________________________________________________________


Sound In Media Most  films  also  use sound  that we know has been added, things like voiceovers, and background music. This is called non-diegetic  sound . non-diegetic sound is often done in post-production. You can  use  music to set the scene and show where and when the  film  is set to create a sense of irony,  use  happy music for a sad or scary scene. The majority of films also use sound that  hasn't been added (excluding the rarity that is silent movies) or rather is created naturally, things like a car starting or a door slamming shut, this is called diegetic sound. This is Usually recorded using a microphone and taking or changing the audio for it to be clearer in the end result. How To Use Sound In Media Sound  enhances the imaginary world, it can provide depth, establish character and environment, introduce a new scene or cue the viewer to important information.  Sound al...

Self Evaluation on My SWAZZ Presentation (3/12/2020) 1.3 & 3.1 Feedback

 This is my self evaluation sheet, marked 1/10 on every question. Pacing: how well timed/paced was my pitch: 5.5. Interesting: How interesting was my pitch: 4. Content, Strategy and Materials: How comprehensive was my pitch: 7. Enthusiasm: How enthusiastic was my pitch: 5. Language & Communication: Was the pitch delivered using good language and communication: 7. Considering what went well and what needs improving, how successfully was your pitch delivered and why: I think my pitch went okay, I was slightly anxious because I'm not too keen on talking to lots of people at once but for my first pitch t went decent, maybe I should've improved my SWAZZ design and created something a little more unique. I would give it a 5.5 out of 10.